SANGHYUN  KIM                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 ABOUT                        CV            CONTACT

Space of  Names
(Commercial Project)






THE SEOUL LITEUM, Seoul, Republic of Korea     




Projection, Server 


H3000 x W11000 mm
H3000 x W9000 mm


*Commercial Project (Client : CULTURE INFRA)

As a member of the media art team AnotherSunday, I was responsible for the overall production,construction and software programming of this work.


"Moment," a media art exhibition celebrating singer IU's 15th debut anniversary. This exhibition is not just composed of photographs and objects, but is a media art exhibition reborn using diverse technologies. It consists of a unique experiential exhibition space where not only media facades and holograms are displayed, but also handwritten messages written on the spot by fans during their visit are shown through screens like stars in the night sky, accumulating over time. AnotherSunday was in charge of the media wall for this event. We saved the audience's handwriting as images, displayed them on the media wall, and applied a real-time physics engine to allow the messages to accumulate. After the messages appear brightly and largely on the screen, they slowly fall down, stacking up neatly to fill the night sky. We organized these created messages by date and stored and managed them on a separate server so that they could be further utilized.